The only things most men fear more than a flipping-out girlfriend is an ugly, violent, slow death. The problem lies in the fact that men and women were created so differently. In general, men tend no to fuss about the little things, but many women tend to really focus on the smallest of matters.
Neither of those things is inherently wrong or bad, that's just the way we humans have been created. Everyone adapts differently to one another, and this is especially so when in comes to dating and relationships.
Adapting is quite crucial as we try to bridge two different lifestyle into a well-functioning union. This might sound cliche, but putting forth the extra effort in understanding your partner may benefit you too-that is, if you are committed to creating a healthy long-term relationship. Women and men get emotional, that's a fact, but for one reason or another, based on my experience, women seem more prone to the stronger emotional reactions to certain situations.
Next time to you are at a big badminton tournament, pay attention to the audience; the gals will be screaming and wailing during exciting moments while the guys'll just shake a fist in the air and mumble "great shot".
Whatever the reason for extreme emotional outbursts, your reaction will be vital in calming the situation-or at least helping prevent a full-on emotionally charged fight.
Most of us have had to endure wild mood swings with our partners. There are times throughout the day and month when these things are inevitable, that's what makes us human.
What we all need to do is deal with it. When your partner is in a tizzy, or simply acting irrationally, try try try to refrain from holding her to the same high standards that you know she is like normally. Just repeat to yourself 20 times, "this is only temporary, remain calm and smile....this is only temporary, remain calm and smile..."
If you knowyour partner's having a bad day and hormones are acting up, one thing i can guarantee is this: if you criticize or pass judgment at this moment in time, there's going to be hell to pay-probably involving fingernails, flying phones and broken plates.
They often say that some people can get away with anything. A lot of people know that their partners will gives in to any demand if the emotional stakes are raised high enough - this can mean bawling like a newborn, fistpounding rage or pouting. These situations can, of course, be very uncomfortable maneuvers' "receiver" of these manipulative maneuvers, especially when you are quite sure that it's only being done to force you to give in to something. A person taht regularly exhibits this type of behavior - psychiatrists tell us that it's actually a regression back to childhood, and indicates a severe lack of social maturation - will think nothing of using these tactics on a partner in adulthood. Unfortunately, it can be very complex to differentiate the sincere tears from the cheming ones, especially when you are still in the early stages of your relationship. Removing yourself from the situation is probably the best solution to resist, at all cost, caving in to the ploys. At the end of the day - assuming you've decided to stay with the relationship despite such episodes - you will learn your partners's moves and will know when to lend your shoulder and when to split and turn your mobile phone off.
Sincere emotion
In Addition to mini-meltdowns caused by hormonal moodiness and straight-up manipulation, there are also truthful emotions, and these are te ones you must never ignore or belittle. When these emotions are on full display - perhaps your partnet's family member has passed away or she is really having a difficult time adjusting to a new workplace environment - this is when you need to step up and show that you are a caring friend and lover. Make her feel comfortable and listen to her with sincerity. There are times that many of us men keep our emotions in check way too much. When your partner is really, truly sad you need to lose that machismo air, like pronto;this is the time to open up to her, expressing how much you care. Also, most men tend to try and "save the day" by giving - whatwe consider at the time - good advice. This is okay in normal circumstances, but it's all about timing and when people are really upset, that's usually not the best course of action. At moments of frayed emotions, it's best to just be there, expressing how much you support her and care about her.
Unlike most men, women often sprout tears in conjunction with fits of anger, usually when caught up in the midst of a situation they are emotionally invested in like when she's recounting a recent backstabbing she endured by her closest gals pals. When this is the case, your reaction should be the opposite of your instincts, as trying to calm her is often pointless. Like hugging ferocious lion, it is ill-advised and possibly fatal. All you owe her is one-time run-trough of her complaints, whether it is directed at you or not, and then hastily draw back to give her time to cool off. Rationalizing and justifying the problem is useless when she's all fired up, and space is the only thing that will do any good. Try to get her to sleep it off and talk about it the next day in calmer way. But don't leav the minuteshe is pissed off and whining about something, be there enough to listen to what the problem is and make a graceful exit - even if that means simply going to another room.
If she's angry at you for something you did, this a different can of worms. With this, you do have to come clean and explain your actions, then you need to let her yell it out of her system, and allow the situation to cool down naturally without exacerbating anything.
Knowing what she needs and understanding what to do with these emotional chapters is a important as the relationship it self. After all, it is a component of any relationship; if these things don't occur once in a while, it might mean you don't have a very deep or "real" relationship. So when they do pop up, you gotta " be the man ! ". This means staying cools as a cucumber no matter what transpires while also expressing sincere care and love. Your relationship will be better for it in the long run.
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