Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast. *Woody Allen*
Sexual intercourse, whichever position you prefer, will bring pleasure, especially if you achieve orgasm. Many women complain and men agree; why do men feel sleepy after reaching orgasm?
For most people, sex usually takes place at night when couples are already tired to begin with. They've been at work all day, played with the kids in the afternoon or gone to the gym. Sexual intercourse - whether it is overly active or not - will tire men out even further, so when the born sounds to symbolize the end of the game, they are ready to pass out. Sex is relaxing and soothing, which will add to the post-coital stupor.
Sexual workouts
Recall the last orgasm you had, when your whole body had the feeling of levitation, tingling and overall euphoria. That moment of pure ecstasy was released in a perfect moment for you, but maybe not for your partner. BAM, and you find yourself drowsy within a moment or two. I'm sure most men, after prolonged sexual workouts would be somewhat tired anyway. How many of you guys out theere are masters at the art of sleeping after sex? I'd be willing to bet a majority of you have a cheeky little grin right about now.
Some men might look for a cigarette and enjoy the feeling of the first few puffs, while others need to fulfill another craving and grab a quick snack. Sleeping, however, is the more common after a sweaty and blissful episode with your lover. While women tend to seek cuddles and small kisses, men tend to clear a space and thus, make women feel unwanted or neglected.
Powerful chemicals
While research using positron emission tomography (PET) scans have shown that in order for a person to reach orgasm, a primary requirement is to let go of all fear and anxiety. Doing so also tends to be relaxing and largely explains the tendency to doze off. This, however, is not the entire story. Reserach shows that during the moments just prior orgasm, men release a cocktail of chemicals in the brain, including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide and the hormone prolactin. The release of prolactin is linked to the feeling of sexual satisfaction, and it also mediates the so-called refractory period (recovery time) that men are well aware of - the time a guy must wait before he's ready to get back into action. Studies have also shown that those men that have lower levels of prolactin, have faster recovery times.
Prolactin levels are naturally higher during times of sleep, sp when these hormones are released during orgasm, it causes drowsiness. Further, prolactin is the reason why men tend to be sleepier after sexual intercourse than after masturbation. Orgasms through intercourse release four times more prolactin than self-induced orgasms, according to a recent study. Oxytocin and vasopressin, two of the other aforementioned chemicals released during orgasm, are also associated with sleep. Their release frequently accompanies that of melatonin, the primary hormone that regulates our internal clocks. Oxytocin is also thought to reduce stress levels, which could lead to a greater feeling of relaxation and sleepiness.
Many men also have learned through personal experimentation - or through reading magazine articles - that holding one's breath prior to and during orgasm will heighten the sensations caused by a climax. Some men will hold their breath when they first start to feel the beginning of their orgasm. Holding the breath causes deprivation of oxygen to the brain, which causes sleepiness. Sometimes men feel so lethargic after that type of sensation-enhancing episode during sex that it can send them into almost immediate hibernation.
Sleep or pizza?
For many women, these post-intercourse slumbers by their man are one of those annoying facts of life. The fact is, most men do know - or have not taken the time to ask - all the ins and outs of the emotional side of their female partner. Fewer understand how very critical that is to the overall relationship; needs to be taken into consideration if you want it last. Dave Zinczenko, the author of Men, Love and Sex: The Complete User Guide For Women, explained the phenomenon: "men got to sleep because women don't turn into a pizza." Although women sometimes feel sleepy after sex, the phenomenon does seem more prominent in men.
In addition to being associated with sleep, the chemicals mentioned above are also intimately involved in what is called pair bonding; the social attachment human mates commonly share between one another. The release of these chemicals in the brain during orgasm heightens feelings of bonding, trust and comfort between sexual partners, which goes some way to explaining the store link that many people have between sex and emotional attachment. The conclusion is that there are many potential chemicals and human avolutionary reasons for the post-sex snooze. Some may be directly related to tiredness-inducing factors, and other more subtle, but the fact is it happens a lot. Remember this; men tend to fall a sleep after sex because they work hard during sex.
Pre-sex boost
If you are concerned about falling a sleep after sex, there are ways to increase the energy level. Getting a boost of caffeine (tea, coffee, espresso or one of those 'red-bull' drinks .....) before sex - or afterward - can make the mind and body more alert. You can also try having sex somewhere besides the bedroom, so you have to make an extra effort to get up and go find your bed. Having sex in the mornings or afternoons - before you are physically tired from your full daily routine - Will also decrease the desire for sleep right after sex. So fight the sleep demons after your next orgasm and fully appreciate the powerful bond of making love and showing affection afterward.
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