There are a number of accessories, sexual performance, contained in each household. Here are ways to regain the passion and fire in a boring sex life with the help of certain elements in your home. You forgot to book a hotel or an expensive sex toys, here are some simple ways to find sex-filled weekend of products in the home.
First, it is important to consider safety measures before using household items. Make sure that all objects before the test and avoid those parts that are cut or penetrate the skin. In addition, you must remember to be absolutely sure that the products will be disinfected before use. It is also important that you have permission before doing anything, like any other game.
Bedroom is clear that where sexual activity takes place, most people, but this part of the house, many of the available bits and pieces you never thought that could be used for sex.
Some products used in the bedroom
This accessory can be used every day of bandage on her partner and was surprised to fruit, oral sex or erotic massage.
This may be accessory to an amazing job on the side. The conversation can be wrapped around the hand to provide jobs for the growing hand. Put the lubricant on the string of pearls and stroke up and down outside the vulva female or male shaft.
Closet pole, and half
Take a pair of socks and tie the hands of their partners made a minister with him. After caressing her body with various types of tissue and cover your body and kisses.
The kitchen
Because all the artifacts can be found in the kitchen, the best place to find a potential sex toys. You can do things such as food, dishes, and even sex on various devices for diversity.
Here are just a few elements that are used in the kitchen
This tool can be used to whip your partner. Click to go to squat on the edge of the counter and hold her wrist with one hand, and then gently press them with a spatula.
Kitchen timer
This is an ideal condition to use if you plan to have the best cursory. Set the timer for three minutes for each of you and the exchange of oral sex and manual work. Typically, the first man to lose to achieve orgasm.
It is a natural complement to the use of a great massage place with your fingers. Take your partner rolling on the floor and flatten your back, shoulders and legs, and focus on the major muscle groups.
Below is a list of other articles for use
Fruits and fruit juices can be used as a lubricant more flavor. Press your favorite fruit juice over the body as lame. Juices can be placed on one of the parts of the body, the nipples, lips and genitals.
Powdered sugar
This point of sweetness is sprayed on the body and licked slow and seductive.
Syrup, whipped cream or honey
These three elements can be used to induce the charm of taste. Nipples can be applied in the lower back and genitals on the back of the neck.
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