Tea drink in good health. While some prefer green tea, did you know you can have the same benefits from consumption of black tea?
This is because green tea, black tea from the same station. In fact, there are two other teas, which are also known, oolong tea and white. What makes this tea is different from each other, as it is processed.
If you regularly drink black tea, you have a healthy arteries and increase the flow of blood, because they are antioxidants known as the Falcon, this rich fragrance of tea. Their cholesterol levels can also be certain types of cancer, strengthen bones, fresher breath and fewer cavities.
Like coffee, black tea contains caffeine. The difference between them is that one cup of black tea, or otherwise contains only 30 to 40 mg. Caffeine, while coffee contains about 135 mg.
Another advantage of black tea, is the fact that it is free of calories. This will only remain so, if not all sweet ass's milk or can not be helped by the mild taste of tea without additives.
Heating is important for black tea bag. This is because the heat helps to read the tea leaves to the taste of water. To achieve this, you must enter the pot about 2 to 3 minutes before pouring into a cup.
When the tea from the day as it passes through your actions and decisions? Make sure that you do not let important information slip by you tea.
For those who choose to act directly on the toilet, remove the bag before drinking to avoid the collapse to the bottom. Nothing bad will happen if, except that when you were almost done with cups, bags, may land in the face.
If you do not like the taste of black tea and want a little sweet, try a little sugar, honey and lemon slice. You can even create a similar milk, coffee drink.
You can have a bite, if you think you like black tea. This is very useful that the biscuits, cakes and biscuits. This will be even better if you choose, before going to work, but you are at home or if they are visitors.
Black tea does not always have to be in hot water. Enjoy a glass of cold ice and add the honey. It is a mixture of alcoholic punch, and you want some orange juice, apple juice, mint, rum, and some gingerale.
It is also an ideal place for a few eggs, egg mixture, nutmeg, milk, vanilla extract, salt and whipped cream.
In addition to these three drinks There are other mixes you can use black tea. All you have to do so and will try some experiments. Thus, you have to offer customers healthier, and you will always be someone else.
Black tea is very popular, so many people. While some prefer the coffee, how little they know that doctors and other health professionals, health drinks.
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