If it is cold, hunger extrimities from the blood, because everything goes to the brain and vital organs, so that the penis is reduced.
In fear, the penis responds directly to the level of adrenaline. will not be a good strategy for the evolution of primitive people are mounting, if you're a Saber tooth tiger, the blood to go back on its feet, not your penis.
When it comes to attractive women, rather than feeling, I think the adrenaline, the adrenaline from the fear of execution, and this is what is happening in your installation.
Are all you can do to make your penis longer?
There is no evidence that anything that makes the penis larger. There are some operations, there can be a little more, perhaps, but still have a significant risk.
Most men who have penis enlargement is, in fact, the penis of normal length - it's just the idea of an artificially high average size of the penis.
Is it possible to urinate, if you are mounting?
If a man has erection, the prostate may be tense, which makes it more difficult, but you can PEE with installation - like most people, especially in the morning, when I try to turn Willie into a bowl.
Can I use your penis?
Penile fracture can. As a rule, occurs when the penis from the vagina during recovery, during sex, against women and publicly Bash bones.
There are usually sharp "crack" sound, and severe bruising of the penis. You know who balloons clowns use balloon animals? Penis is a bit like the two of them side by side, were full of blood.
If they are complete and tight, torn. Immediately, if the treatment can be cured in six weeks. If not, it can be cured with a maximum of 90 ° on the same curve.
Why men wet dreams?
I really do not understand why they occur. Buildings during sleep are a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, wet dreams, but not as often.
Some men feel better, if you are not a lot of sex, while others consider it more if they get a lot of sex. Everything depends on people.
Can you harm by refraining from sex and ejaculation?
There are many myths surrounding them. I would be skeptical about someone who has never said that masturbate or ejaculate, but there is no problem.
You can have more wet dreams, or the prostate can cause pain, but no proof. Although it is not self-evident, for the body to ejaculate, does not seem to do no harm to the body. Only the seeds through the body - which is gradually absorbed.
What is the worst disease you can on the genitals?
This question does not answer - there are some terrible things that can happen. What I am saying is that the vast mafority sexual diseases to prevent.
Including cancer testicles are usually treatable, if a man regularly and make sure that the catch in time.
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