Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health - Feed Your Brain

Home to your mind and personality, your brain houses your cherished memories and future hopes. It orchestrates the symphony of consciousness that gives you purpose and passion, motion and emotion.
The human brain can create enough electricity to power an electric train and has remarkable capacity when pushed to its limits, but it needs a constant flow of oxygen and specific nutrients to keep it functioning properly throughout your lifetime.

Taking care of your brain

We eat carrots to give us stronger eyes, fiber to lower cholesterol and vitamins for general health, so why not take something for your brain? Focusing on the health of our brains may be increasingly important - especially as each generation is living longer into their golden years. Our brain's ability to function will significantly affect the quality not just of our present but of the years to come.

Supplements for a healthy brain are not as unusual as they may sound. As the natural supplement industry continues to grow and more studies are done regarding the effects of various nutrients on the body, the more manufacturers are able to create supplements that target specific areas.
The overall health of your brain can be impacted by a variety of things, but proper nutrients are one of the more powerful factors that can have a great impact. Vitamins B complex (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacinamide) helps the body to effeciently burn foods for energy, produce amino acids and enzymes necessary for maintaining healthy cells and cell function.

Compounds like 5-hydroxytryptophan and L-Carnitine help the body decrease pain, improve your mood and prevent damage to brain cells through antioxidant properties. When using supplements for brain health it is important to look for companies with an established history and a reputation for quality as well as purity in the ingredients they utilize. It will also be wise to discuss any supplements you use with a doctor who is familiar with supplements to ensure that there are no conflicts with your medical history. Even so, many supplements for brain health have been formulated and are safe and effective for almost everyone.

Taking any supplements for your mental well-being should also be considered a part of your overall health strategy. A good diet, exercise and being mentally active are also important parts of keeping your brain strong and healthy into your later years. When used in conjunction with the previously mentioned lifestyle choices, these supplements can be a powerful tool to ensure a sound mind through your lifetime.

Which supplements are best ?

There are many supplements out there, so it pays to do your homework. The web has a lot of information, which can be a challenge to sift through, but worth it to find the ideal product that suits you to a tee. Good supplements for brain health will incorporate the ingredients already discussed above - at a minimum - along with other nutrients that support braincell function, blood flow and neurotransmitter production.

Look for companies that explain in detail what ingredients they include and what impact they have on your brain. Armed with all of this knowledge you should be able to find a solid product that will help you increase your brain health and give you a jump on aging gracefully.

Energizing Inositol

Have you ever wondered why many of those popular energy drinks give you a boost of energy and increased cognitive clarity? Well, it's mainly because of one ingredient: Inositol.

This naturally occuring substance may be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. However, it has been found to be helpful in other areas as well, including the promotion of healthy hair, the prevention of eczema, and as an aid in the redistribution of body fat.

Should you take supplemental doses of inositol? According to some sources, taking supplemental inositol can increase the effectiveness of both choline and vitamin E.

Prevent mental illness

Inositol is part of vitamin B complex and promotes healthy brain development and functions, and works closely with choline to move fats out of the heart and liver.

Inositol and choline combine to produce lecithin, a type of lipid that is needed to form healthy membranes for every living cell in the body. Lecithin helps keep the brain, heart and liver healthy, and aids in the absorption of thiamin (vitamin B1) and Vitamin A.

Inositol is also vital for hair growth and, as a component of lecithin, helps to prevent high cholesterol and the hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol buildup. It has also been said to have a calming effect on the nervous system, and is being studied as a possible treatment for depression, panic attacks and even Alzheimer's disease.

Going Herbal

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an important amino acid neurotransmitter in the brain. It regulates nerve-cell functions and has been referred to as the brain's "natural calming agent". Herbal extracts are also great brain food. Ginkgo Biloba, which improves blood flow to the brain and promotes concentration is getting more popular.

Ginseng, wich reduces stress and fatigue while boosting the immune system, also plays a role in brain health. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is the only remaining member of family of trees that flourished centuries ago in ancient China. Dubbed a living fossil, ginkgo today thrives worldwide in parks and gardens, and in plantations where leaves of carefully pruned ginkgo shrubs are harvested and processed into supplements.

This herb is most effective for treating complications from stroke or decreased blood flow to the brain such as short-term memory loss and concentration problems, headaches, dizziness and ringing in the ears. Ginkgo may also stave off dementia in older people. A year-long study of 202 Alzheimer's patient at clinics in New York and Boston found that those who took ginkgo mitigated of halted the deterioration of their mental abilities, which helped improve social functioning.

Ginkgo extract contains several kinds of active compounds including glycosides and ginkgolides. These substances improve circulation throughout the body and brain by inhibiting a blood compound that encourages clotting. They also strengthen and possibly rebuild capillaries, which may prevent or even reverse structural damage around the brain.

Function on all cylinders

Next time you are feeling sluggish, it may be time to look into taking supplements to benefit long-term mental well being, rather than ordering a double espresso, which will only give you a short-term fix. May your neurotransmitters be functioning on all cylinders and live by the motto, act fast and think faster.


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