Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sweet Smell - Healthy Vagina

All women should know about the health of your vagina. Maintaining a healthy means to avoid infection and have a pleasant scent and the Council shall ensure the optimum vagina health

A healthy vagina is home to a variety of organisms minutes. Usually, they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents any kind, in the vagina and helps combat foreign bodies that may be infected.

Vaginal infections are common and occur when the delicate balance disrupted can cause discomfort in this area, and smells.

First, the health of the vagina, women, and smell are the basis of a common lifestyle, diet and weight.

If you follow these tips for a healthy vagina, and they are as follows:

1. Your overall diet
Feeding the healthy diet. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs should be eliminated or reduced, if possible, as a very spicy food, and unwanted food.

Try to eat as naturally as possible (food, free of additives) and make sure to drink plenty of water.
What you leave in your body and their secretions in the vagina is the same. Noticed how your sweat smells differently after eating spicy food, you'll see why this is so important.

2. Cleanliness
At the smell of mining bacteria can grow on the vulva should be cleaned regularly to prevent vaginal inflections and prevent unpleasant smells in the street.

Wash the genital area daily with a simple, fragrance-free soap is usually enough to the vagina clean and fresh.

Free vagina is clean so douching is not necessary.

In addition, douching changes the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem and can be harmful.

Because infections such as yeast in the intestines, it is important if you are referring to the bathroom to wipe from front to back, so you need to clear the area first, to the vagina and the rectum last!

Although sex is also very important to avoid contamination of the vagina with the institutions and bodies, bowel or rectum area.

3. Clothes
To prevent vaginal infections and keep the vagina healthy make sure that your clothes may be in the area to breathe. This avoids the tough clothes and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers such as nylon.

Keep in mind that tampons and diaphragms, which are too long in the vagina can be very strong and unpleasant odor.

4. Safer sex
Finally, if you do not know your partner very well, always a condom, and the mother, which makes the chance of infection and disease.

If you step to infection, the symptoms listed below, for three of the most common.

The good news is that once again a healthy vagina is easy if you are on this issue the attention and action.

1. Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is over 50% of all visits to medical vagina.
Nearly half of all women with bacterial vaginosis vaginal infections have no obvious symptoms.
The most common symptom is a thin, white and gray to the smell of fish, as unpleasant.
The smell is strongest in the discharge is exposed to any alkaline substance and this includes soap and semen, to its strengths and most obvious after cleaning or sex.
Easy to handle and typically associated with a course of antibiotics to the doctor.

2. Yeast
Although yeast infections are probably the most common form of vaginal infection, many women never bother to help.

Most simply recover naturally, and other anti-fungal vaginal creams are available without a prescription at the pharmacy.

Symptoms of yeast infection are:
Vulvar itching associated with vaginal irritation and redness.

If the urinary opening of inflammation, urination, and discomfort will be present.
If the infection is high, vulva will swell and fine breaks, there are cracks called. It causes vaginal discharges to be thick and white.

Yeast infections are the result of excessive growth of the fungi family, which is usually in the vagina healthy, but if they increase the balance of the vagina is upset and problems occur.

Infection is the most common vulvovaginal candidiasis, which is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans.

There are two types of Vulvovaginal candidiasis :
Without complications, mild infections, that in response to therapy. Or, again, that is more complex, and often women who have diabetes or are infected with less treatable forms of yeast such as Candida glabratia.

Recurrent Vulvovaginal candidiasis is usually more than four times per year and is in need of treatment length, about two weeks, and then follow-up treatment for up to 6 months or more.

Some factors are common causes, such as nylon and Lycra clothing traps heat and moisture, so be aware of our clothing tips for a healthy vagina has already been mentioned.

Other causes are:
Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system against disease, the use of oral contraceptives, and excessive consumption of sugar, starch and yeast.

If you have a vaginal yeast infection, your doctor, as a rule, either with or without a prescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to above.

If you have a problem, and that professional help as soon as possible to have a healthy vagina. Do not ignore symptoms or think that you can quickly get help.

3. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis, or "Trichen is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection, many women suffer around the world, and this double-digit millions.
Although infection trichomoniasis can be uncomfortable, it is not in anyway a serious threat to health in general.

Symptoms normally vulvar and vaginal itching and burning. The burning is usually at a height after intercourse.

It may also be swelling of the vulva, and frequent urination, and inconvenient.
There is a strong vaginal discharge, usually yellow or green, that may not have the offensive odor.

The parasite Trichomonas is one minute. It consists of three tails at its narrow objectives, and do nothing with them, and white blood cells of the body follow.

These blood cells literally on Trichomonas and kill and eat.

Problems arise only when the body is overwhelmed by the number of natural protection of reproductive trichomoniasis and white blood cells, can not cope.

Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed and treated with antibiotics in most cases.

Follow the Council with a healthy vagina, and if you have a problem is not fear, shame, or simply to help quickly and clear objectives, in most cases, treatment is quick, easy and painless


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